
Monday, March 26, 2012

Steganography (Hide File behind image or audio file)

What is staganography?
The art and science of hiding information by embedding messages within other, seemingly harmless messages.
 You can embed or hide your secret data in photo or in audio files.

How to embed data into jpg image or in audio file?


1) Download the Steghide software: Click here

2) Now Extract it.

3) Goto Start then open Run and then Type cmd and click on ok.

 4) Now Goto the directory where you extract the software in CMD.
e.g: C:\users\Bangash\Download\..\steghide
you can use cd command to do this as shown below.

5) Now Type steghide.exe in cmd and press enter.

 6) Now Copy your secret file and the cover file in which you want to embed the secret file into the steghide folder.

7) Now type this command in cmd .
steghide embed -cf picture.jpg -ef secret.txt

Note: picture.jpg is the file where you want to embed file and secret.txt is your secret file.If your file name is change the type your file name as it is.

8) when type above command then Press Enter key then it will telling you to enter passphrase.
Now enter Password or passphrase for your file .
Note: when you are typing passphrase  it is not shown but behind it is stored .

9) Now your File is hide or embedded in your jpg image. (You can do this for audio file also).

10) If you want to see your secret file into your computer or in other computer then you will use this commands.

i) First of all copy you cover file in which the secret file is embedded to steghide folder.
ii) There will be no secret file before you run the command. Now Enter this command in the cmd.
steghide extract -sf picture.jpg
Note: picture.jpg is the cover file where the secrect file is embedded and if your file name is change then type your file name instead of picture.jpg.

ii) when you press enter then it will ask you to enter passphrase. Enter your passphrase which you enter when you first embed it and press enter and finally your secret file will be extract to steghide folder and use it.


Video Tutorial :

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The Bangash Hacker

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trick To Send Colorful Text in Facebook Chat

Hi Friends , Today I am telling you about " How to send colorful text in Facebook Chat".
Below list of all Alphabets code is give and just copy paste it into your FB chat.
Note: If you want to write full name or sentence then  give space between lattes.
e.g:  [[107015582669715]] [[116067591741123]] [[115602405121532]]
There is one space after every code so just press space bar after every code you paste.

All Alphabets Codes:

A = [[107015582669715]]
B = [[116067591741123]]
C = [[115602405121532]]
D = [[112542438763744]]
E  = [[115430438474268]]
F  = [[109225112442557]]
G  = [[111532845537326]]
H  = [[111356865552629]]
I  = [[109294689102123]]
J  = [[126362660720793]]
K = [[116651741681944]]
L  = [[115807951764667]]
M  = [[106596672714242]]
N  = [[108634132504932]]
O  = [[116564658357124]]
P  = [[111669128857397]]
Q  = [[107061805996548]]
R  = [[106699962703083]]
S  = [[115927268419031]]
T  = [[112669162092780]]
U  = [[108983579135532]]
V  = [[107023745999320]]
W  = [[106678406038354]]
X  = [[116740548336581]]
Y  = [[112416755444217]]
Z  = [[165724910215]]

Only Copy the red part and past it into Facebook chat.

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The Bangash Hacker

Monday, March 19, 2012

Protect USB files With Password

Hi Friends, Today I am telling about how to protect files in USB Flash .If you want to protect files in USB Flash Drive then use this trick.

1) First Download Software:  Click here

2) Extract it and Copy file to USB Flash Drive.(It contain only one file)
Note: This software run only from USB so you must copy it to your USB Drive.

3) Now Run the Software and you will see look like this.

4) After Running Enter Password and click OK.This password will be needed when you access your file again.

5) When you click on Ok then it show a Message Dialog Box and it tell you that you want to save your password in you computer in text file or not.If you want to save you password in computer then click Yes and if you did not stored your password in computer then click on NO.

6) Now a windows will be open where you can protect your files.
i) You can drag and drop file into window one by one  and click on Encrypt
.ii) Or you can encrypt all file by direct click on Encrypt All. This will encrypt all of you data which is in your USB.

7)After you clicking on Encrypt or Encrypt All , you will see a message box and asking you to how hide your data.Just use default which Zero Out Data option and click ok.

8) Your file are protect now and if you want to use your file then run your software again and enter your password then you can Decrypt  one by one file by clicking on file and then click on Decrypt OR you can decrypt all files by clicking on Decrypt All.


Video Tutorial:

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The Bangash Hacker

Friday, March 9, 2012

Increase Bandwidth Speed by 20%

Hi Friends , Today I am posting how to speed up internet.This trick work only in windows system. As Windows itself take 20% of the bandwidth of a connection and use it for updates and other stuff. So get back the 20% from Windows and use it.


1) Goto Run and type gpedit.msc then Press Ok.

2) A Local Group Policy Editor will be open.
Click on Administrative Templates which under Computer Configuration and then double click on Network which in right side of window as shown below.

 3)After that you will see more options and double click on QoS Packet Scheduler.

 4) Now double click on Limit reservable bandwidth.

 5) A new Window will be Open and select Enable radio button and in Option Pane set Bandwidth Limit(%) to 0 and click apply and OK.

 You have get 20% of bandwidth from windows and now your internet speed will be fast .

Video Tutorial of this Trick:

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The Bangash Hacker

Friday, March 2, 2012

How to speed up File Transfer in Windows System

Hi Friends , Today I am posting about "How to transfer data in windows  faster".As all you know that by default in windows transfer of files from 1 drive to another or to Flash is very slow and if You want make it fast then follow below steps.


1) First Download the Software : Click Here
Note: Wait 6 min and then skip ad.

2) Extract it and Install it . It easy to install.

3) Now Run it and if you want to Register it then follow these steps:

i) First copy the Serial Number just by selected serial number and Ctrl + C OR just select serial number and right click then click copy.

 ii) Now Open the software (TeraCopy)  and click on More  button.

iii) After that click on Get Pro Version .

iv) You will see two option then click on Enter registration key 

v) When click on it then it will show a dialog box that you software is register and restart your software
Note: You must copy the serial number then click on Enter registration key.

4) This software automatically integrated with windows system and whenever you transfer a file it will transfer it and you don't need to run it again and again.
This File Transfer look like this.

Enjoy it and Thanks for visiting Bangash Hacker Site.

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The Bangash Hacker