
Friday, September 30, 2011

Hack Facebook/Gmail/Yahoo/G+ Using Keylogger

Hi Friends , Today I am telling you about how to hack any account Facebook , Yahoo , Hotmail , Gmail , Paypal etc .In this trick we will use a keylogger software and run it on victim PC when he/she run it , all his/her typed keys are recorded and sent to your email.


1) Download Software:

2) Extract it and Run Grieve Logger Public V4  application as shown below

and you will see look like this

I) Now Enter your Gmail Email address in Email filed and Gmail Password in Password field .
II) The other Options are optional but use them so it will work good.
You can choose your custom icon for the application and you also enable error message when he/she run the software an error msg will be show and in back the software will be run.
The Most important things is Time Interval , I recommend you to set 15 to 30 minutes but you also set 60 and 2 minutes it depend on you.

4) Finally Click on  Build Server Button

 when you click on build server a dialog will be open for saving you application and choose the location and save it .
 Your application will be created.

 6) This is the important step and you will be use your mind in this step. Send it to your Victim PC who you want to hack and tell them that it PC Speed up software or say something else that impress his//her and run it when he/she run it nothing will be happen on his/her screen but in back it will run and record his/her keyboard keys. when the time interval you enter is done then software will send the Data to your email and check your email and see the passwords as show below.

Enjoy it .....................................

If you have any problem then mention it in comment.

The Bangash Hacker


Monday, September 26, 2011

How to connect two computer

Hi Friends, Today I am going to tell you about How to connect two computers using LAN cable.As we usually use Flash USB but sometimes if there is huge amount of data then we can't transfer so this trick will help you to connect two computers using LAN cable and transfer your huge amount of data.


Requirements: LAN Cable or cross-over cable (Cable which use in DSL)

1) Plug in the cable with two computers.

2) In order to start the connection, you’ll have to assign different IP address for both computers. To change the IP address of your computers for the LAN connection, you should make changes in the LAN adapter settings.
  • Open Control panel from the start menu and click on Network and Internet and click on Network and Sharing center.
  • From the left sidebar, click on Change adapter settings.

  • Under the Network connections window select the appropriate icon for your LAN adapter and right-click on it, then choose Properties.

  • A Local Area Connection Properties box appears.

  • Under the Network tab select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on the Properties button.
  • Now set the addresses as mentioned below in each computer and click OK.
At the first computer ( say, Computer 1):
IP address:
Subnet mask:
At the second computer ( say, Computer 2):
IP address:
Subnet mask:
3) Share folder , file or Driver from computer with other computer .Click on file or folder or driver and then select share with and click on computer name which you want to share.

 4) You are almost done.. Just Goto Computer and then click on Network Icon.
if you don't turn on file sharing then you will see look like this

turn on it by clicking on Trun on network discovery and file sharing.

finally you will see the share folders,files and drivers of other computer and use them.

You can also use software instead of using step 4 and this software very easy to use.


If you have any problem then mention it in comment.
The Bangash Hacker

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to make money Online

Hi friends, Today I am going to tell  you about "How to make money online".As most of people search for online jobs and online making money but not get the best way , so I will teach you about that.
I am sharing with you you 4 websites and you will daily check them view ads so you will make money.


1) First of all signup for free account to these 4 websites.

i) 1st Website
ii) 2nd Website
iii) 3rd website
iv) 4th Website

you will see a registration form for all these 4 site and fill the registration form and create account.

2) When you create your account login to the sites.

3) After that you will see you account penal and click on "View Ads" or  "Surf Ads".


4) Now you will see another Page which have mostly 5 or 6 link to click on which as shown below.


5) When you click on link , a new page will be in open in new tab and wait for 30 or 60 sec .

6) when time finish then it show you to click on following number and click on that as shown below

here i will click on 9 .

Note : Don't click on more than on link at a time wait and one 1 link is finished then click on another link.

When you click on link website give you $10 or $6 or 2$ and when you money reached to minimum with draw then with draw it with paypal or alertpay account.

I hope you will enjoy this but you must daily visit to all 4 websites and click on links so in 1 month you will earn a lot of mony.....................

If you have any problem then mention in comment.

The Bangash Hacker

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Hack a Computer Password

Hi Friends, Today I am posting about how to hack a computer Password.It work only on Windows XP and I will soon post hacking about Windows 7.
As Windows XP has built-in Administrator Account and most of people does not set password for that and use their other account. So this trick will hack Administrator Password of Computer.


1) Start your Victim PC who you want to hack.

2) You will see User Login Screen as shown below.

3) Now Hold  ALT+CTRL and two times DELETE button.

4) After 3rd Step you see another Login Screen and  Enter Administrator in User Name Field and Leave blank Password Filed.(don't enter anything in password filed).

 5) Finally click on OK button the Computer will be start with Administrator Password.


If you have any Problem then mention it in comment.

The Bangash Hacker

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Facebook Revolving Images

Hi Friends, Today Post is not Hack and it is actually funny Facebook Trick.So follow below steps.


Note: It does not work on Latest Firefox and Chrome so Use Internet Explorer and Opera or later version of Firefox and chrome.

1) 1st copy the code. (select below code and right click then copy OR select below code and then Press cntrl+c)

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

2) Paste code into you Browser Address bar and Press Enter as shown below.

3) When You Press Enter the in facebook will be revolving around ..........


 If you have any problem then mention it in comment.
The Bangash Hacker

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Funny JavaScript

Hi Friends, I will post soon about Facebook Account Hacking but Now I am Posting about "Funny JavaScript" just for Fun.In this trick you will download 3 HTML Pages and Run it.You can also upload it to your website and access from anywhere and tell friends to goto the link.

1) You Must Love Me:

In this JavaScript Page You must click on Yes and When you click on No then button will move up or left and you can not click on no button.

Online Example (Demo): 

2) Love Tester:

Enter you Name in first field and enter you Lover Name in 2nd field then click on Calculate and You will see that your lover love you how many percent (%).

Online Example (Demo):

3) Fake Textbox:

In this script when you enter something about yourself or what ever other then you will see that what is the real thing about you.

Online Example (Demo):

If you have any problem then mention in comment.
The Bangash Hacker

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Repair USB Flash

Hi friends, Today I am posting about  "Repairing of USB Flash". I am sharing this with you because my own 16GB usb was corrupted and it size goes to 1 GB and I shock and sad about that but I found a software that Repair it and become 16GB. So this trick is Apply for every corrupted  USB flash so use it if your own USB have any problem or damage etc.
Here is my USB corrupted shoot:

and when I fixed it then it look like:


1) Download the Software:

2) Now Extract it and You will see the exe file and Run it as shown below.

3) When you open it then 1st Select your USB drive and then Select Non-Active option it is importan and finally click on  Format button.

4) After that you will see a dialog and click on Yes button as shown below.

5) After Process Completed then click on Done button so you are done........

6) At Last Remove your USB from Computer and Insert again you will see that it Problem will be fixed.
Note: Your USB data will be lost so 1st backup it if it have.


If you have any problem then mention it in comment.

The Bangash Hacker

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Email Flooder (Bomber)

Hi Friends, Today I am Posting article "Email Flooder (Bomber)". If you want to send Email More than One time to a single ID or if you want to send a flood of mail to any email then use this trick.
The Software which you will use is developed by me and if it has some issue then please inform us about that.

Software Requirements:
OS: Windows 7, Vista , XP.
.NET Framework 3.5 SP 1 Required. (If you don't have this then our software will automatically download it from Microsoft)

1) Download Our Software :

Extract it and the click on Setup to Install it.
Note: if you have not install .NET framework 2.5 SP 1 then Setup will download it from Microsoft so 1st download it and then the software will be install and Some of Computer does not have Windows Installer so the Setup will also download it..
Below 1st picture for those who PC have no .net framework:

and this is for both .

Note: If this Installer have some problem then Download this software :  

Just Extract it and Run Bangash Mail Flooder (Bomber) application. 

2) After Download , Install it and you will see Shortcut icon on Desktop and Run it.

3) First Enter You Gmail Account Email and password which is in Left side. (Software will use your Gmail account to send mail)

4) Enter You Sending Information in Sending Options Box.

5) Now Enter No of time email you want to send and Press Send button.

6)  Wait 2 or 3 minutes and you will see a dialog box and so you are done..............

and finally you victim ID will receive your mail(s).


If you have any problem then mention it in comment.

The Bangash Hacker